All of their kids are taking the morning to go through their grids and make sure everything is caught up for the term. My daughter is finishing her last bit of a four day exam session (eek!) and soon the fun will begin.
Normally, the house is filled during Thanksgiving. We have quite a large family. My great-grandparents were in attendance until just a couple of years ago when their health finally kept them home during the festivities. We have been alternating hosting for the last couple of years and who shows up largely depends on the location. There are a few who always seem to slip in for at least a piece of pie. It will be a bit more quiet this year.
My brother, who is a sucker for any holiday revolving around food, has rocketed to China to become a stuntman. Seriously. He has been deeply missed this year. As you can see, he is quite the character and brings a lot of joy to the table and much needed "boat rocking". We are a family of unapologetic teasers and debaters - he being the most brutally honest and funny. He is off following his dream in another country: flipping from buildings and practicing photography to his heart's content.
(I'll eat a piece of pumpkin cheesecake for ya, bro!)

Then we have the baby of the family. (Even though she is technically not the youngest...
she is by far the biggest baby.)
My sister married recently and moved a couple of hundred miles away. She wont be able to make it this year either. Growing up, I have fond memories of the three of us in the kitchen getting ready for the holidays. As we got older and my mom would work part of the day, sometimes it would be just she and I in the kitchen getting the last bit of the meal together. We tend make a good team on most things. (I would never tell her that.)She is the peace maker of the group and brings everyone together. She is planning on cooking a Thanksgiving meal for her husband for the first time this year.
I hope he has a strong stomach. Ahem.
And finally... dressing.
Yes. Corn bread dressing. Covered in cranberry sauce. Maybe not completely on par with the people who wont be there -- but pretty close. I have been low-carbing with Sugar since April and her Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. Normally, I don't mind the diet at all and have stuck to it almost religiously to help her make better choices and not feel like she is the only one having to miss out. I plan on doing the same through Thanksgiving and skipping out on the cornbread dressing. Sigh. I have found some pretty good substitutes though and am planning on sharing our menu with you tomorrow.
The holidays can have a different feel to them when family is missing. No matter where your family is this Thanksgiving, bringing the rolls, across the country, or awaiting in heaven, I genuinely hope that you have a wonderful day. Full of memories and love.
I love this Ally!